Reserve your Garden for 2022 - From left to right (above): The Salad, The Salsa, The Sauce, and The Omnivore.

To maintain some order in our (rapidly filling) new nursery, we are offering a limited number of garden packages. Not only will this make things simpler on our end and reduce waste, we hope our careful selections make planning and starting your home garden easier this year.

The kits include starts for planting in your garden, a planting-and-growing guide, a farm tour, and growing advice from your SRF farmers. Many gardeners will want to supplement these starts with some direct seeded crops like carrots, beets, etc., and our advice and planning can help you fit those into your planting plan as well. 

The four garden sets are built around general uses or specific meals, and are designed with the small garden in mind. 

Salad Garden

The salad garden sets you up for plenty of fresh veggies, with no cooking or canning required! It features several types of greens, and sweet toppings to round out your salad bowl. Includes: various greens (two 6-packs), head lettuce (two 6- packs), greens: (two 6-packs), cherry tomatoes (2 plants), peas, (6-pack sugar-snap and a 6-pack of snow peas), 3 herbs, cucumbers (two plants in 3” pots).

Will use about 15 to 18 square feet of space


Salsa Garden

This garden is tomato and tomatillo heavy, and of course includes a couple of our favorite hot (but not too hot) peppers. This should keep you in fresh salsa for the season and/ or provide for some frozen or canned salsa for your winter. Includes: 2 heirloom tomatoes, roma tomatoes (2), tomatillos (2), onions (about 25), hot peppers (3), and cilantro (6).

Will use 18 to 22 square feet of space


Sauce Garden

The sauce garden sets you up for canning or freezing your favorite pasta sauces, as well as enjoying plenty of tasty fresh sauce and veggie pizzas through the summer. It includes four tomato plants, onions, basil, zucchini, and herbs. Includes: heirloom tomatoes (2), roma tomatoes (2), onions (about 25), basil (6), zucchini (2), herbs (2-3).

Will use 18 to 22 square feet of space


The Omnivore

This is an all-around basic garden plan, with bunching greens, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, summer and winter squash, and some hot peppers, for a well-rounded garden. Includes tomatoes (4), zucchini (2), hot peppers (2), kale and chard (6), lettuce (6), winter squash (3), cucumbers (3).

Will use 35 to 40 square feet of space


During our pick up dates, crew will be available to answer questions, parcel out free row cover (for protecting your transplants) if needed, and help choose the best varieties for your garden and taste buds. During that day we will also offer a guided tour of the farm, which is a great time to ask questions or visit the chickens. Not only that, but we’re committed to helping throughout the growing season with select farm “office hours.” And, as an added bonus, the week before pick-up we will be sending out a simple growing guide that includes helpful sites and resources for growing basics, as well as the top few tricks and farm techniques we use to grow great produce ourselves. 

Using our years farming in the valley, we’ve chosen tried and true varieties that both do well in this climate, and taste great. While limited, there are a few different varieties of heirloom, roma and cherry type tomatoes, but they are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and we cannot switch out the types (i.e. you can opt for a brandywine instead of a black krim, but can’t swap one of these heirlooms for a sungold cherry).

With Montana spring the wiley and wiggly creature it is, sets will be available for pick up in late May. We will have two pickup windows to set you up for planting around Memorial Day weekend (May 24th and May 28). Don’t worry, we’ll be in touch with pickup times and reminders.

Sign ups for the garden sets will run until May 1st or until supplies run out (we are limited on space).   You can pay for your garden set any time between ordering and the pick up day with cash or check at the farm store.  Since our space is limited, we are just offering 20 garden packages of each variety.