It’s been awhile since we sent some news, so we thought we’d start reconnecting by sharing some photos.
From the Winter Archives. Above left: Noah and Mary inspect the building of some farm cabinetry in shop. That was the winter of 2018, and those are the cabinet frames that were destined for our yurt. Right: 2017 was a cold winter, and Noah installs the (still working) farm-built germination chamber in the farmstore. Our farmstore opened in 2016.
In the winter, we spend a lot of time on soil fertility. Large organic alfalfa bales are purchased from a farmer-colleague and the alfalfa is spread and then flail mowed on beds that we haven't tapped for the season. And we compost! With the help from chicken bedding, we make about 40 yards of compost a year. It's turned regularly in the winter, to take advantage of moisture. You can't see it in the photo, but it's steaming hot.
The winter laying hens have really been thriving. We finished a new chicken barn, the 4th to the fleet, just in time for really cold weather and the new flock (pictured here a few weeks ago) lives together, albeit in two different mobile hen barns. Their winter range is part of our orchard.