Catch the last big melon wave, and scale peak morning is here!

Dear Farm Friends,

Or, to use Noah’s standard greeting for crew, customers, and just about everyone “Hey, team!” We are about to head out for our market space on Bedford and Second streets with a massive load of food. Since fall weather and busy school schedules sometimes mean that market slips people’s minds, we thought we’d better remind you that holy moly, it is still going on.

The market weeks are numbered (6 more after today, to be precise) but wow they will be delicious. We have a big load of melons still today, but we think it might be the last really hefty one, so if you have been loving those, definitely come on out. A tall stack of tomato flats is loaded in the truck cab, and the harvest list included all the greens, head lettuces, cabbages of various types (ready for kraut or kimchee? we’ve got you), beans, cucumbers, zucchini, leeks, carrots, beets, radishes, hot peppers, tomatillos, cilantro, and so much more. The boc choi is delicious but record-breaking in size, so you can score a heck of a deal with one $3 head this week. And I harvested more than my own body weight in sweet peppers yesterday—actually my weight plus that of a child who no longer needs a car seat, and at least one farm cat. It’s been a big week! We aren’t sure if this was the peak of the peppers, or if it’s coming up next week, but we are definitely in high-elevation pepper territory, and it’s delicious.

Utterly loaded with sweet peppers.

And with the cooling weather (such a relief for fieldwork), we cannot recommend strongly enough that you get back in your soup game. Roasted tomato soup, potato leek soup, that Italian one with the potatoes, kale, and sausage. If you have any lingering packets of winter squash in the freezer, all you need to do is sauté some onions or leeks and a few sweet peppers (maybe one little hot one too), and blend all that up with a good broth, for an easy soup that will make way for the winter squash that is coming in soon! That is not at market yet but we’ll be bringing it in this week.

We’ll have a solid team at market to help you chose and think of what to eat, with one of us also back at the farm preparing for being the first stop tomorrow on the Farm to Fork Bike event, so please come on out and load up!

Good eating to you,

Mary and Noah, SweetRoot Farm

Just a few more weeks of fresh flowers at market!